Operating System Installation

About Course

Windows 10 is Microsoft’s current operating system for laptops and computers. Launched in 2015, it builds on Windows 7 with hundreds of handy features including Cortana, Microsoft’s voice assistant, an app store that makes it easy to quickly download programs and a faster web browser called Microsoft Edge.

Although its successor has already debuted, support for Windows 10 will continue until October 2025, so there’s no imperative to upgrade right away – particularly if your computer doesn’t support Windows 11’s advanced security features, which rely on specific hardware components.

Want to install a fresh version of Windows 10 on your PC? If you’re running another operating system or setting up a new PC, you can easily install Windows 10 from an installation disc or USB flash drive.

We will explain and give to you how to install windows on your computer without going to the Electronic places of the city, we will teach you step by step all the things you need in a practical way.
just watch our lessons and then install it yourself.


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What Will You Learn?

  • Introduction to Overview of Windows installation Process.
  • Prepare to install Windows 10 & 7.
  • BIOS setup Configuration.
  • Install Windows 10 & 7.
  • Configure Updates for Windows.
  • Perform post-installation configuration tasks.
  • Install windows Drivers.

Course Content

Section 1: Course Introduction

  • Windows Installation Process
  • Disk Partition Concept
  • MBR vs. GPT | Part 1
  • MBR vs. GPT | Part 2
  • MBR vs. GPT Process | Part 3
  • BIOS setup Configuring Part 1
  • BIOS setup Configuring Part 2
  • BIOS setup Configuring Part 3
  • Tools you need before Installation

Section 2: Windows Type 1 Installation

Section 3: Windows Type 2 Installation

Section 4: Microsoft Windows Drivers

Section 5: Recording Windows & ISO File

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